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Proposals in detail

New bus lanes would be built along the whole length of the bypass. One lane in each direction would become a bus lane, leaving the other lane for all other traffic. The speed limit would be reduced (from 70mph to at least 50mph)

One lane in each direction on the Keynsham bypass would be converted to a bus lane

A new dedicated route for walking, cycling and wheeling (if you use a wheelchair or mobility scooter) would be created along the left-hand Bristol-bound side of the bypass.

  • Some of this route would have dedicated paths for cyclists and walkers, while other parts would be shared
  • The route would be separated from the road with new shrubs and landscaping creating a buffer
  • We’re also looking at how lighting can make the walking and cycling route safer and feel more secure

A series of local cycling and walking routes would make it easier for people to travel from other locations in Keynsham to the new cycle path on the A4.

  • These would combine dedicated paths shared between pedestrians and cyclists and what are known as "quiet routes" – designated roads with special road markings, speed restrictions and traffic calming which are safer for cyclists, but not closed to traffic.
  • The proposed “quiet routes” are:
  • See section 5 for possible impact on parking

A mobility hub on Keynsham bypass would be created making it easy to transfer between different types of transport. This would be located at the edge of Memorial Park, a short walk from Keynsham Rail Station and Keynsham High Street. Trees, bushes and shrubs would be planted around the mobility hub which would feature:

  • New bus stops serving express buses between Bristol and Bath including the X39
  • New bus shelters and waiting areas with seating and live digital bus information screens
  • A brand-new crossing over the bypass creating a new alternative level cycling and walking link between north and south Keynsham. The nearby Station Road bridge would remain and be improved to make space for a new dedicated path shared by pedestrians and cyclists
  • A connection to the town centre through Memorial Park on new paths for walking and cycling connecting with existing routes. (cycling would be permitted in Memorial Park which it currently isn’t). Some trees could be lost but would be replaced and any increase in noise would be minimised by using special “noise-reducing” materials on the surface of paths and the road. We will work with Bath & North East Somerset Council to make sure the proposals fit with future plans for the park

Other facilities at the hub could include:

  • Covered bike storage area with cycle racks and secure cycle lockers for longer term parking
  • Cycle pump repair stands
  • Mobile phone charging points
  • Toilets
  • Wi-Fi

To accommodate the new local cycling and walking paths, if these proposals went ahead there would be no parking:

  • On the Station Road bridge over the bypass (current parking is one hour max - Mon-Sat only)
  • On most of the left-hand side of Bath Road (heading towards Keynsham from the bypass) between the Broadmead roundabout and the roundabout at Bath Hill /Wellsway (near the Talbot pub). Some on-street parking bays would remain

Residents would still be able to access driveways and garages

  • Faster and more reliable buses
  • Far better access to more frequent express buses to Bristol, Bath and Saltford from both Keynsham Town centre and Keynsham Rail Station. This would cut walking time to the nearest bus stop served by the X39 by up to an estimated 30 minutes.
  • Could transform options for cyclists living in Keynsham. For many, this could be the first time that commuting to Bristol or Bath by bike would be a real option. It would be safer and more direct, with cycle route virtually all the way into both city centres.
  • Better local cycle links including a more direct and safer route between Saltford and Keynsham Rail Station
  • Easier to move between south and north Keynsham (including Keynsham Rail Station and High Street) by walking, wheeling and cycling
  • Easier to switch between different forms of transport via the mobility hub – for example transferring from bike to bus, or bus to train, which would be just a short walk away
  • Less noisy and improved local air quality along the bypass


  • Slower journeys for cars, vans and lorries travelling past Keynsham as a result of reduced speed limits
  • Could make Memorial Park slightly busier and how people may use the park might change
  • Fewer car parking spaces on some local roads

A new mobility hub at Keynsham is proposed to improve access to bus services along the A4